季秋,博士。2005年9月到英国贝尔法斯特女皇大学访问一年;2006年10月到德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学AIFB研究所工作三年;2010年3月到2015年6月,在东南大学攻读博士学位;2015年10月,就职于伟德源自英国始于1946。从2005年至今,一直从事语义网(Semantic Web)和知识图谱(Knowledge Graph)方面的研究。截至目前,已在KBS、IJIS、计算机研究与发展、ISWC和ESWC等国内外重要杂志和会议上发表30多篇论文(近30篇是第一作者),其中SCI收录6篇,EI收录20多篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、横向科研项目3项,参与欧盟项目3项、国家与省部级自然科学基金项目3项。另外,在科研与教学方面获得多个奖项,例如于2019年获得全省高等学校微课教学比赛三等奖,于2020年获得伟德源自英国始于1946思政课程与课程思政教学竞赛二等奖,于2018年获得第8届联合语义技术大会(JIST2018)最佳论文奖。
1. Qiu Ji, Guilin Qi, Boutouhami Khaoula: Revision of stratified OWL ontologies based on integer linear programming. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)(ISSN: 10037985), 2020, v 36, n 1, pp. 1-7(EI 索引)
2. Qiu Ji, Zhiqiang Gao, Zhisheng Huang, Man Zhu: Measuring Effectiveness of Ontology Debugging Systems. Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems. 71: 169 – 186 (2014) (SCI 索引,影响因子5.921,JCR分区二区) Debugging Data.rar
3. Qiu Ji, Khaoula Boutouhami, Guilin Qi: Resolving Logical Contradictions in Description Logic Ontologies Based on Integer Linear Programming.IEEE Access 7: 71500-71510 (2019) (SCI 索引,影响因子3.745)
4. Qiu Ji, Guilin Qi, Huan Gao, Tianxing Wu: Survey on Schema Induction from Knowledge Graphs. CCKS 2018: 136-142 (EI 索引)
5. Qiu Ji, Zhiqiang Gao, Zhisheng Huang: Conflict Resolution in Partially Ordered OWL DL Ontologies. Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI): 471-476 (2014)(EI检索,CCF的B类会议)
6. Qiu Ji, Zhiqiang Gao, Zhisheng Huang, Man Zhu: Semantic Precision and Recall for Evaluating Incoherent Ontology Mappings. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT): 338-347 (2012) (EI 索引)
7. Qiu Ji,Zhiqiang Gao, Zhisheng Huang, Man Zhu: An Efficient Approach to Debugging Ontologies Based on Patterns. Proceedings ofJoint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST): 425-433 (2011) (EI 索引)
8. Qiu Ji, Guilin Qi, Peter Haase: A Relevance-Directed Algorithm for Finding Justifications of DL Entailments. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC): 306-320 (2009) (EI 索引)
9. Qiu Ji,Peter Haase, Guilin Qi, Pascal Hitzler, Steffen Stadtmüller: RaDON - Repair and Diagnosis in Ontology Networks. Proceedings of the 6th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC): 863-867 (2009) (EI 索引,CCF的C类会议)
10. Weizhuo Li, Guilin Qi,Qiu Ji: Hybrid reasoning in knowledge graphs: Combing symbolic reasoning and statistical reasoning.Semantic Web 11(1): 53-62 (2020)(SCI 索引,影响因子3.524)
11. Weizhuo Li, Songmao Zhang, Guilin Qi, Xuefeng Fu, Qiu Ji: A Graph-Based Method for Interactive Mapping Revision. JIST 2018: 244-261(EI 索引,Best paper award)
12. Huan Gao, Guilin Qi, Qiu Ji. Schema Induction From Incomplete Semantic Data. International Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis. To appear (2017) (SCI 索引,影响因子0.772,CCF的C类杂志)
13.Guilin Qi, Qiu Ji, Jeff Z. Pan, Jianfeng Du: Extending description logics with uncertainty reasoning in possibilistic logic. Interntional Journal of Intelligent Systems. 26(4): 353-381 (2011) (SCI 索引,影响因子1.411, CCF的C类杂志)
14. Guilin Qi, Qiu Ji, Peter Haase: A Conflict-Based Operator for Mapping Revision. Proceedings of the 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC): 521-536 (2009) (EI 索引,CCF的B类会议)
15. Boontawee Suntisrivaraporn, Guilin Qi, Qiu Ji, Peter Haase: A Modularization-Based Approach to Finding All Justifications for OWL DL Entailments. Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC): 1-15 (2008) (EI 索引,Best paper running-up award)
6)国家自然科学基金,OWL DL公理的统计关系学习方法,2012.01-2016.01,60万元,已结题,参与
9)德国巴登-符腾堡州项目,NanOn (Nanotechnology Ontology),2009.01-2011.12,已结题,参与
10)欧盟第六框架项目,NeOn (Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies),1470万欧元,2006.10-2009.08,已结题,参与
11)德国Karlsruhe大学跟韩国某高校合作项目,KOReA (KAON2 Reasoning for SWRL and Large ABoxes),2006.08-2007.02,已结题,参与
3)The 8th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2018),2018.11,最佳论文奖,排名第五
4)The 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC),2008,Best paper running-up award,排名第三
电子邮箱: qiuji@njupt.edu.cn