1. “基于智能计算的欠驱动吊车建模与防摆控制研究”,2016/07-2019/06;
2. “三维桥式吊车防摆控制及突发事件紧急制动方法研究”,2017/02-2019/01;
3. “南邮-圆通联合实验室大学生创新创业项目”,2018/01-2020/12;
4. “自抗扰技术在欠驱动吊车中的应用”,2018/05-2020/04;
5. “物流国家工程实验室--智慧物流关键技术研究项目”,2021/01-2023/12;
6. “南京市高层次人才项目--无人化末端派送系统”,2020/07-2023/06;
7. “区块链融合性关键技术研究”,2022/03-2025/02;
8. “无人车系统导航与避障控制项目”,2022/07-2025/06;
1. 第六届大学生物联网技术与应用3S大赛,中国通信学会/中国电子学会,一等奖,2020年;
2. 第七届全国大学生物流设计大赛,中国物流采购联合会,二等奖,2020年;
3. 第五届全国“互联网+”快递大学生创新创业,国家邮政局,银奖,2020年;
4. 第十一届南邮挑战杯大学生创新创业大赛,伟德源自英国始于1946团委,金奖,2020;
5. 教育部第十四届全国大学生创新创业年会,教育部,优胜奖,2020年;
6. 伟德源自英国始于1946第七届“互联网+比赛”,特等奖,2020年 ;
7. 第六届全国“互联网+”快递大学生创新创业,国家邮政局,金奖,2021年;
1. Zhe Sun, et.al, “Parameter identification of PEMFC model based on hybrid adaptive differential evolution algorithm”, Energy, 2015, 90: 1334-1341. (SCI,IF:7.147,中科院一区);
2. Zhe Sun, et.al, “Type-1/type-2 fuzzy logic systems optimization with RNA genetic algorithm for double inverted pendulum”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39(1): 70-85. (SCI,IF:5.336,中科院二区);
3. Zhe Sun, et.al, “Optimal tunning of type-2 fuzzy logic power system stabilizer based on differential evolution algorithm”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2014, 62: 19-28. (SCI,IF:5.569,中科院二区);
4. Zhe Sun, et.al, Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Anti-Swing Controller Design and Optimization for Overhead Crane, in IEEE Access, 6: 51931-51938, 2018 (SCI,IF:3.367,中科院三区);
5. Zhe Sun, et.al, Optimal Sliding Mode Controller Design Based on Dynamic Differential Evolutionary Algorithm for Under-Actuated Crane Systems, in IEEE Access, 6, : 67469-67476, 2018. (SCI,IF:3.367,中科院三区);
6. Zhe Sun, et.al, “Designing and Optimization of Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for Nonlinear Systems”, Computer, Material & Continua, 61(1): 119-128 2019 (SCI,IF:3.772,中科院二区);
7. Zhe Sun, et.al, “An adaptive DE algorithm based fuzzy logic anti-swing controller for overhead crane systems”, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2020, (SCI,IF:4.406,中科院二区);
8. Zhe Sun, et.al, “Proton exchange membrane fuel cell model parameter identification based on dynamic differential evolution with collective guidance factor algorithm”, Energy, 2021, (SCI,IF:7.147,中科院一区);
9. Zhe Sun, et.al, “Designing and application of type-2 fuzzy PID control for overhead crane systems”, International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 2021,(ESCI);
10. Zhe Sun, et.al, “Designing and Application of Modified SSA based ADRC Controller for Overhead Crane Systems”, International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 2022,(ESCI);
11. 基于货物量的人力资源配置方法, 授权发明专利,2021年;
12. 一种基于滑模控制理论的桥式吊车防摆控制方法, 授权发明专利,2022年;
QQ: 176247957