
发布时间: 2021-11-05 | 浏览次数: 3985 | 文章来源: 宋波



主要研究领域包括道路勘测设计及基本理论、沥青路面功能性评价及检测方法、道路路线设计可靠性分析、智能驾驶车辆制动安全性仿真研究等,已发表期刊/会议论文十余篇,其中SCI收录6篇,EI收录8篇;担任International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering等专业权威刊物审稿人工作



Binshuang Zheng, Xiaoming Huang*, Runmin Zhao, et al. Study on the Rut Threshold of Asphalt Pavement Considering Steering Stability of Autonomous Vehicles Based on Fuzzy Control Theory [J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2021: 8879900. (SCI & EI, IF: 1.176)

Binshuang Zheng, Jiaying Chen, Runmin Zhao, Xiaoming Huang*. Analysis of Contact Behavior on Patterned Tire-Asphalt Pavement with 3-D FEM Contact Model [J]. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2020:1-16. (SCI & EI, IF: 2.298)

Binshuang Zheng, Xiaoming Huang*. Sensitivity Analysis of Distress Influence Factors on Steel-plastic Compound Reinforced Retaining Wall [J]. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2019, 48(6): 4699-4718. (SCI & EI, IF: 0.710)

Jiaying Chen, Xiaoming Huang*, Binshuang Zheng, et al. Real-time Identification System of Asphalt Pavement Texture Based on the Close-range Photogrammetry [J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2019, 226, 910-919. (SCI & EI, IF: 5.834)

Binshaung Zheng, Xiaoming Huang*. Adhesion Characteristics of Tire-Asphalt Pavement Interface Based on A Proposed Tire Hydroplaning Model [J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2018 (04):1-12.(SCI & EI, IF: 1.372)

黄晓明, 蒋永茂, 郑彬双, 赵润民. 基于路表摩擦特性的无人驾驶车辆安全制动原理与方法[J]. 科学通报, 2020, 65(30): 3328-3341. (EI检索)

黄晓明*, 郑彬双. 沥青路面抗滑性能的研究现状及展望[J]. 中国公路学报, 2019, 32(04):32-49. (EI检索)

郑彬双, 黄晓明*. 基于轮胎滑水模型的轮胎-沥青路面附着特性影响因素分析[J]. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 48(04): 719-725. (EI检索)


Binshuang Zheng, Jiaying Chen, Runmin Zhao, Xiaoming Huang*. Skid Resistance Demands of Asphalt Pavement during the Braking Process of Autonomous Vehicles [C] //MATEC Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2019, 275: 04002.

Jiaying Chen, Xiaoming Huang*, Binshuang Zheng, et al. Real-time Identification System of Asphalt Pavement Texture Based on the Close-range Photogrammetry [J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2019, 226, 910-919.


[1] 黄晓明, 郑彬双, 黄若昀, 陈嘉颖, 赵润民. 一种无人驾驶车辆通过交叉路口时速度控制系统及方法 [P]. 中国发明专. CN108922177B授权)

[2] 黄晓明, 郑彬双, 黄若昀, 陈嘉颖, 赵润民. 一种无人驾驶车辆转弯行驶时侧向力控制方法 [P]. 中国发明专利. CN109080627B

[3] 黄晓明, 赵润民, 黄若昀, 郑彬双, 陈嘉颖. 一种无人驾驶车辆在雨雪湿滑路面紧急制动时的制动力控制方法 [P]. 中国发明专利. CN109080608A

[4] 黄晓明, 赵润民, 黄若昀, 郑彬双, 陈嘉颖. 一种干燥路面无人驾驶车辆紧急制动时的制动力控制方法 [P]. 中国发明专利. CN109080607B


国家自然科学基金项目, 沥青路面水漂机理及类型选择策略研究, 51778139, 2018.01-2021.12, 68, 在研, 参与

江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划, 无人驾驶车辆制动抗滑需求及沥青路面供给特性研究, KYCX18_0146, 2018.03-2019.06, 3, 结题, 主持



联系邮箱:zhengbs@njupt.edu.cn; zhengbs0513@163.com

